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Creating an Application

In this section, you will learn how to create an VCLight application.

Tips: This may be a repeat of the previous section.

If you don't want to learn it, you can skip this section.

Entry Point

For Vercel, it needs an exported function.

module.exports = async function(request:VercelRequest, response:VercelResponse) {};
module.exports = async function(request:VercelRequest, response:VercelResponse) {};

Inside this function, we can write our main code.

Main Function

First, we need to create a new VCLight Instance.

const app = new VCLight();
const app = new VCLight();

you can use app.use(middleware) to apply the middleware instance.


It is not recommended writing main part of your code here.

In the following sections, we will write the main part of code under src/app/.

Released under the MIT License.